
A Breakthrough for Struggling Adolescent Readers

Two-thirds of secondary students lack proficient reading skills, leading to struggles with learning, confidence, and behavior. With the release of the Elements series of exercises, Fast ForWord Literacy offers the first reading intervention fully designed to build cognitive and language skills in adolescent learners, resulting in lasting reading gains, social-emotional growth, and improved graduation rates.



We’ve implemented a number of online programs over the last 20 years, and we have found the Fast ForWord program to be the most successful program for our [6th-10th grade] students.”

Engage the Adolescent Mind

Age-appropriate content, adaptive exercises, and leveled reading selections dynamically adjust to reading skill attainment and student progress. Exercises are designed to promote confidence and student agency while  providing real-time and personalized corrective feedback.

Continuous Multi-Level Progress Monitoring

Robust progress monitoring and reports offer student, class, school, and district-wide views on learning achievement. The Reading Progress Indicator proprietary assessment correlates to nationally normed assessments, establishing its high level of validity.

Seamless Integration and Flexible On-Boarding

Teachers can choose between on-site consultation or free, on-demand virtual training. Thoughtfully designed instructor manuals minimize prep time and include lesson plans, exercise overviews, and ready-to-use student worksheets.